Archive for October, 2009

SOAR – getting ready

October 23, 2009

Only a week to go until SOAR!! I know I promised to post more of the things I’ve done during the last year, but I have been super busy getting ready for SOAR. I have carded 5 batts of a moorit fleece, 2 with a 50/50 blend of the moorit and silk, and 2 of the reverse badger Iago. A CVM fleece is drying right now, and I want to card at least 6 batts of that. Each batt will be split (not sure if I’ll do them into 4 or 6 mini batts) and packaged with a sheet with my logo and contact info, as well as some breed info. If I have time I will do some white too. I’ve tried taking pictures of the batts, but lighting has not been terrible cooperative. I’ll try again in the morning outside. It is hard to capture the details, and definately can’t show how incredibly SOFT they all are, espectially the moorit/silk. It’ll be hard to give that away.

I am also trying to get more stuff listed on the Etsy site, but the computer has not liked this idea. I can post 1 or 2 things, and then the internet crashes. Very frustrating.

Before I go out to feed, I tend to look out the back door window. The last few mornings the 4 bigger rams in the bachelor pen have been lined up, watching the breeding group in the main pen.  After breakfast they go back to life as normal, but they do seem a bit wistful in the morning…

Work continues as usual. The only constant there is change, and I am not a big fan of change. Still, I am happy to have a job, and usually enjoy the work.  I do like being helpful, and most people are pretty nice. Still, I wish everyone remembered that the Customer Service rep you are talking to is a real person too. Does it really make sense to be a complete jerk on the phone, especially if you want something special? More flies with honey, and all that. Just saying…