That Was So Much Fun & Another Chance to Get Something

This was my first time with the SewMamaSew Giveaway, and all I can say is WOW! I ended up entering about 100 different giveaways (I even one a few, pics to follow when I get them), and I found a few new blogs to add to my days. I don’t normally join as a follower (not sure why I don’t since I understand how cool it is to see that someone new is a follower). If you’re not aware of SewMamaSew, you have to go take a look. All November long they were posting daily links to great ideas to make or get as presents, and they host giveaways twice a year. I will be doing this again.

So in my looking around I came across What I Did on my Summer Vacation, where she is now running a “Pay It Forward” contest, and what can I say, I had so much fun that I’m gonna take part in this too. Not sure what you’ll get, and I stole her rule, so here you go:

  1. Important! You have to have a blog.
  2.  I will make a little something for the first FOUR blog owners who comment on this post. It will be a surprise and I will make it and send it to you some time during the next 365 days after you have commented.
  3. Make sure you let me know your email address, or that you aren’t a no-reply blogger so that I can get your contact details.
  4. To get a handmade present from me, you have to play too! This means YOU pledge to send a little handmade something to 4 readers of your blog. It doesn’t matter what you give, as long as it is handmade by you!
  5. Once you comment here, you need to post about your Pay It Forward on your blog(within 48 hours) to keep the fun going! *you can just copy the rules from me and please include the Pay It Forward badge in your post. Also, feel free to join the Flickr group to see what else is being sent!

I’m not requiring that you become a follower (but it wouldn’t break my heart if you decide to). I’m a bit ADD when it comes to projects, so no telling what you’ll get from me. I spin, knit, weave and sew on a regular basis, and I’ve been known to paint, scrapbook and make cards, so it’s a total crapshoot as to what (or when) you’ll get your present.  But it’s always fun to get something, right? And I promise I won’t send something so ugly that I’d be embarrassed to have you say you got it from me, ok? Back to your regular programming next time, I promise

2 Responses to “That Was So Much Fun & Another Chance to Get Something”

  1. justthreadtwiddling Says:

    When I saw your comment on Fiberfarm’s blog, I knew we had a connection. Lego and Playmobile are the things I wish I had had as a child!

  2. Leigh Says:

    Oh no, a giveaway with a hitch! I’ll have to think about this one because my creative “me” time is nonexistent these days. As much as I love making progress on the house and kitchen, it does get tiresome to have everything in boxes all over the place, especially when they keep having to get moved and I get confused about where things are! I recently gave away 3 of my handwoven scarves, but confess, they were completed long since!

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